382 days
904.2 hours
13 partipants

the building of N622JC

a Zenith CH 750 CruZer

Fuselage - Bottom Skin

November 21, 2020 3.5 hours Fuselage Building Jeremy, Crystal, Samantha, Anne

With the fuel decision outstanding, we rearranged the shop a bit, bought a new piece of wood to top the shipping crate, set our right wing aside and moved attention to the fuselage. Our plan is to give us a bit more time to decide on the engine and to visualize the fuel system better. Once the fuse is far enough along to see the wing mounts and route for the fuel line, we will work with Aircraft Specialty again on that front.

With a late start (for a Saturday), shopping, rearranging the garage, etc… we were able to only get the bottom skin complete for the fuselage, but it was a fun part for sure.