382 days
904.2 hours
13 partipants

the building of N622JC

a Zenith CH 750 CruZer

Wrap-up Day 2

July 8, 2021 9.5 hours Fuselage Building Jeremy, Samantha

  • Tested cockpit light
  • Installed leads for filtering capacity
  • Developed fuel flow test document
  • Performed fuel flow test
  • Riveted fuel components (2 gascolators and 1 fuel tank selector)
  • Showed off Zenith to potential builders


The UL Power 350iS is a 130 HP engine. 130 _ 0.55 (pounds per HP) _ 1.5 (safety margin) = 107.5 pounds per hour, 1.79 pounds per minute, 17.33 gallons per hour (computed as 6.2 pounds per gallon of fuel).

Empty fuel container = 2lbs 6.0oz (2.375 lbs)

Required 17.33 GPH

1 minute gravity drain

Tank Attitude Weight Fuel Weight Gallons GPH State
Left Climb 6lbs 2.5oz (6.156) 3.781 0.609 36.54 Pass
Right Climb 6lbs 3.2oz (6.200) 3.825 0.616 37.01 Pass
Left Ground 7lbs 0.3oz (7.018) 4.643 0.748 44.93 Pass
Right Ground 7lbs 0.2oz (7.012) 4.637 0.747 44.87 Pass