Avionics - Center Console Mock
With scrap sheet metal, I laid out a template for how I envision the center console to be, drilled out the holes, mounted switches, breakers and labeled some items to get a feel for how it would be in real life. I found that the switch rows were too close.
In the end much more time will be spent making it look nice, this was just to be able to physically touch things to determine if the layout was good or bad.
The rationale to the switches are: Center console gets switches that are used during startup or shutdown of the engine, or in an emergency. They do not get prime real estate. On the main panel will be a few more switches in the order of use:
Nav/Nav Strobe Lights, Taxi Lights, Landing Lights, Aux Fuel Pump, Pitot Heat, TOGA (push button), Play (push button), Fuel Selector (left/right) and Emergency (push button).