382 days
904.2 hours
13 partipants

the building of N622JC

a Zenith CH 750 CruZer

Avionics - Flight Switches and Reinforce Center Rack

January 23, 2021 7.0 hours Avionics Building Jeremy, Samantha, Lucas

On the center console are switches that you need for startup and shutdown only, unless an emergency. On the main panel are what I am calling flight switches. These switches you use during the flight.

Flight Switches include:

  • Nav/Nav & Strobe Lights
  • Taxi Lights
  • Landing / Recognition Lights
  • Boost Pump
  • Pitot Heat
  • TO/GA
  • Play (re-play previously received COM audio)
  • Fuel Tank (Left/Right)

Other switches on the center console include:

  • Master
  • Engine
  • Avionics
  • Typical Key/Start/Left/Right
  • ESS Bus
  • Auto Pilot Power
  • Flap/Trim Power

Also installed the Warning and Caution Annunciators.

Also reinforced the front panel where it meets the radio rack and AP controller. This section is now rock solid.

Samantha got her first taste of solid riveting.